Tuesday 8 January 2013

Our Favourite Thank You Notes

Although the new years may pass, one resolution never changes: to write thank you notes more frequently. I'll always start out strong, sending handwritten letters of gratitude for Christmas gifts, New Year's Eve dinners, and Valentine's Day trinkets. By the time summer comes around, I've all but abandoned my resolution, having run out of cards and thus card-writing drive.

To make things different this year, I'm stocking my desk with an arsenal of letter-writing essentials: a colourful selection of inky pens, an abundance of stamps, and a thick pile of thank you cards. I've assembled here a selection of some of my favourite thank you cards. While some may stock up on first-aid supplies, I'll be hoarding letter-writing tools, so I will never have an excuse to jot down a quick note of thanks. Happy writing!

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